Boody Downtime Lounge buxur – Black

Stretchy, stylish and sustainable, our Downtime Lounge Pants are your new weekend companion and will take you from your couch to your favorite cafe in comfort. With their wide waistband, premium Storm color and heavyweight feel, these women’s lounge pants exude luxury. In a gently-snug, draped fit, these gorgeous pants feature a tapered leg with comfortable, fitted ankle cuffs and pleating below the waistband. No plans for the weekend? Perfect. Kick back with this relaxed style of loungewear featuring a touch of slouch and a subtle drop-crotch design.

For a stylish take on pajamas, these women’s sweatpants are completed with side pockets and a removable care label for ease. With our signature jersey fabric crafted from viscose derived from bamboo, you’ll want to change into these lounge pants as soon as you get home. Stretchy, stylish and sustainable, these sweatpants for women show case loungewear at its best. Team with our Downtime Lounge Top to complete the look. It’s time unwind in style…

ALERT:  These tend to run a bit large.  We suggest you size down.

  • Care: Machine wash and dry according to instructions on the care label using a mild, eco-friendly laundry detergent.
  • Content: 92% viscose made from bamboo, 8% spandex


SKU N/A Vöruflokkar

• Boody vörurnar eru framleiddar – fairly and responsibly – sem þýðir að þær eru framleiddar í hágæða verksmiðjum sem uppfylla hæstu kröfur með tilliti til vinnuafls og umhverfisjónarmiða.

• ECOCERT – leiðandi vottunarfyrirtæki í lífrænni framleiðslu – trygging fyrir rekjanleika og gagnsæi.

• FSC – vottun fyrir bambus akrana. Akrar sem fylgja FSC skilgreindum starfsvenjum í gegnum framleiðslu- og aðfangakeðjuna sem þýðir að ræktun og uppskera á bambusnum í Boody vörunum er ekki skaðleg fyrir náttúruna.

• PETA Vegan Approved – engar dýraafurðir eru notaðar í framleiðslu á efninu.

• OEKO-TEX® – vottun að fullunnið efni í okkar vörum innihalda engin skaðleg efni.

• Certified B Corporation – vottun sem tryggir að félagsleg og umhverfisleg frammistaða Boody, ábyrgð og gagnsæi sé í hæsta gæðaflokki á öllum sviðum viðskipta Boody.


X small, Small, Medium, Large, X large

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